How to make remote desktop RDP connection more responsive.

Working with a slow remote desktop sucks! I cannot take that delay between my click and the action in my remote desktop connections. If you search on the internet for ways to make your remote desktop connection faster, you will find tones of articles about how to reduce the quality of the remote desktop colors… Continue reading How to make remote desktop RDP connection more responsive.

Categorized as Technology

Running on PHP7

Hey there, I just changed the version of php on my blog server to 7. I have been playing with PHP 7 on my local development server for a week now and I could not resist not trying it out on something live. The performance is good. It’s fast but it is not noticeable in… Continue reading Running on PHP7

Categorized as Technology

Setup SSL on nginx Proxy Server Servername

If you are using nginx as your reverse proxy server to point your domains to the real hosts and you wish to setup  SSL on your servername use following configuration for your server_name: server { server_name your_server_name_domain_addr; listen 443 ssl; ssl_certificate /your_crt_file_address.crt; ssl_certificate_key /your_key_file_address.key; ssl_protocols TLSv1 TLSv1.1 TLSv1.2; ssl_ciphers HIGH:!aNULL:!MD5; location / { proxy_set_header Host… Continue reading Setup SSL on nginx Proxy Server Servername

Categorized as Technology