Milanku Hypomanie

He was cunning out in the woods
crawling behind the trees
an Old hunter is cutting off the deer
He is watching it, waiting for the old man to leave…
to get whatever is left from the poor deer…
Why did happen to the lion… why is he acting like this… where did all his confidence and power go…
the dawn is almost there…
and he is all alone in the woods… the lonesome lion of our story…
So far… So far from what he supposed to be…

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”” width=” 100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

(This awesome song is called milanku from the band named hypomanie, Hope you like and enjoy it! please purchase their album to support the artist.)

Incoming search terms:

  • milanku hazaveh
  • milanku

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