Today I had to assist a client on setting up his cpanel server to be able to connect to their oracle instance, so I had to get oci8 up and running. We need to download basic and sdk instant client packages first. Download them from here (if the link doesn’t work due to the article being… Continue reading Install oci8 Extension on CentOS 7 cPanel Server
Category: Technology
Enable your iCloud Backup right now cause the iTunes Backup Suck!
I tweeted a short video few days ago expressing my anger towards apple update which made the touch screen not responsive in the welcome or “hello” screen. So here is the complete story. I’ve always hated how apple thinks, although for the past 2 years I’ve been using apple devices daily specially Macbook Pro as… Continue reading Enable your iCloud Backup right now cause the iTunes Backup Suck!
Disable iOS Scroll Bounce/OverScroll in Cordova Apps
Simple. Config.xml: <preference name=”DisallowOverscroll” value=”true” /> <preference name=”UIWebViewBounce” value=”false” /> Incoming search terms:https://hazaveh net/2018/02/disable-ios-scroll-bounce-overscroll-in-cordova-apps/stop overscroll ioscordova ionic ios bouncy scrollcordova plugin to disable ios bouncecordova scrollDisable overscroll iOSios always disable bounceios disable scrollingios overscroll
error: RPC failed; curl transfer closed with outstanding read data remaining
There are usually issues with cloning large repositories over http. this can be due to web server settings, the backend and etc. Well today I had to clone a big repo off a phabricator instance and I was getting “error: RPC failed; curl transfer closed with outstanding read data remaining” all the way. after lots… Continue reading error: RPC failed; curl transfer closed with outstanding read data remaining
Run and monitor Laravel Queue using PM2
In most cases you’d use supervisor.d or some other monitoring daemon to after queue worker process in Laravel applications, However the propose of this post is just to say that you can use PM2 to run and monitor your artisan process. Basically the reason I go with pm2 is that I have few nodejs scripts… Continue reading Run and monitor Laravel Queue using PM2