Install oci8 Extension on CentOS 7 cPanel Server

Today I had to assist a client on setting up his cpanel server to be able to connect to their oracle instance, so I had to get oci8 up and running.

We need to download basic and sdk instant client packages first. Download them from here (if the link doesn’t work due to the article being outdated please Google them) then install them by running:

rpm -Uvh oracle-instantclient11.2-basic-version.x86_64.rpm 
rpm -Uvh oracle-instantclient11.2-devel-version.x86_64.rpm

once that is done we can install oci8 using pecl. if you are using easyapache 4 it means you probably have multiphp enabled. so there is a pecl in each of the php versions bin directory.

install the oci8 using pecl in your desired php version by running :

/usr/bin/ea-php71-pecl install oci8

you can change php71 to php70.

Incoming search terms:

  • install oci8 centos7

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