I just released a tool, mySQLtoes which selects mysql data from the specified table and insert it into Elasticsearch indexes. I know the most common way to insert data from mysql to elasticsearch is to use JDBC driver of Elasticsearch, but due to the environment that I was developing on I needed to do some data… Continue reading Insert MySQL table data into Elasticsearch using PHP
Easily Disable Hyper-V To run VMWare and Virtual Box
Hyper-V is the evil. it doesn’t allow you to run VMWare or Vbox. I had this issue that Virtual Box was telling me that I don’t have VT Enabled in my BIOS, Atleast VMWare tells you that it is incompatible with Hyper-V. Hyper-V might be installed on your System with some other app, like Visual… Continue reading Easily Disable Hyper-V To run VMWare and Virtual Box
Keep SSH Sessions alive in Linux
It was back in 2013 when I posted something about how to set a keep-alive for SSH sessions in putty. Well if you are in Linux and you are using the SSH client shipped with it to connect to your servers you might want to do the same too. Getting your connection lost is really… Continue reading Keep SSH Sessions alive in Linux
Disable SELINUX permanently
Disabling SELinux is necessary to run many of applications and services such as webservers and etc. The easiest way to disable SELinux is the famous command of “setenforce 0”. while this command disables SELinux fast but it does not provide a permanent solution. To disable SELinux Permanently you need to make changes to “/etc/selinux/config” file.… Continue reading Disable SELINUX permanently
Exclude Folder from Rewrite rule in WordPress
It’s annoying that you cannot create folders in your wordpress website and access them directly, it’s very easy to exlude your folders by editing the .htaccess file. simply use following line of code in your .htaccess and exclude your desired folder: RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !(FOLDERNAME) [NC]