this is my 5th attempt. I did it on Microsoft fresh paint. the oil color Palettes and brush is really nice, I could mix the colors and that was awesome. The original paint was by Eric Lacombe. I tried to do it in my own way. Hope some of you like it.
Farther than we could see
The song is on repeat, it lingers myself in my mind. me in an empty room, standing by the mirror. Looking and that stranger, that old me. Even I left myself, farther than anyone could see. the only thing left, is that old memory of you, and the feeling of cold ground. [soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff9900&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%”… Continue reading Farther than we could see
Root Moto G Lollipop xt1033
So I just upgraded to Lollipop 2 days ago and the first thing I have done after the upgrade was to root the phone! I cannot stand being unrooted. So here I’m going to list the steps that I used to root my Moto G xt1033 Asian. after installing Lollipop you will have the default… Continue reading Root Moto G Lollipop xt1033
upgrade rooted moto g xt1033 to Lollipop
well few days ago I received the system update available for my Moto G from Motorola. They supplied the stable OTA update to MOTO G users. Well I obviously could not use get the OTA as I was rooted so I had to flash it with fastboot manually. Assuming you are rooted then you have… Continue reading upgrade rooted moto g xt1033 to Lollipop
How to solve Lockout caused by CPHULK
nothing is more annoying than when you are locked out from your own server by cPhulk, Well this plugin is to ensure your server protection against bruteforce attacks. there are many ways to flush cpuhulk blacklist and get into whm again using SSH, but to me the best option was to temporary disable cphulk and… Continue reading How to solve Lockout caused by CPHULK