Completely disable email on single cPanel Account

A week ago one of our clients account been compromised and the attacker used the server to blast emails. as a system administrator my task was to prevent any outgoing email from the account before I start to investigate the attack and remove any kind of scripts from the hosting account. Studying cPanel files made… Continue reading Completely disable email on single cPanel Account

Send mail test from SSH on cPanel server

To check whether the mail server is working properly in a cPanel server which is running Exim mail server from SSH you can use sendmail script which is located in /usr/lib/sendmail. run the command following with –v emailaddress switch! for example: /usr/lib/sendmail –v is the recepient email here! once you press enter the… Continue reading Send mail test from SSH on cPanel server

the “sir”

It’s interesting. around a year ago I step in a company in order to buy an Item. The manager was there, the boss I mean. He was kind of Old Guy and he used to call me Sir. Like shopkeepers here! after around 3 month we got into a job with each other. They give… Continue reading the “sir”

Categorized as Thoughts

503 Service Temporarily Unavailable Fastcgi in Cpanel

Just now I was configuring one server and since the first thing I do is to rebuild apache and install fast-cgi I went through this process. But this server was acting not normal! the websites wouldn’t work when the php handler was set on fcgi! but they were working fine at DSO. I was getting… Continue reading 503 Service Temporarily Unavailable Fastcgi in Cpanel