Ansible with no doubt is one of the most popular tools that its name always comes up in every discussion about DevOps Automation. Its no joke that Ansible does its best when it’s used against an inventory of infrastructure containing nodes with designated roles and tasks. at my work I often find myself in need… Continue reading run quick ad-hoc tasks using Ansible
a more Production friendly ELK stack with Docker
recently I spend a big chunk of my time in office doing DevOps related tasks. Elasticsearch is one of the technologies that we use a lot for both production and development. ever since I had to deal with elasticsearch instances in the office I decided to move them to docker containers, that would make my… Continue reading a more Production friendly ELK stack with Docker
Upgrade to latest nginx on CentOS 7
The nginx version that is shipped with CentOS epel repository is quite old. To upgrade your nginx installation you need to create a repository and add nginx servers to it. to do so create a file called nginx.repo on /etc/yum.repos.d/nginx.repo and place following content in it. then simply stop nginx service and run the yum update command. this will be using… Continue reading Upgrade to latest nginx on CentOS 7
Racism in 21st Century: AXA Malaysia cancels my health insurance
I’ve been living in Malaysia for 10 years now. I’ve came here since I was a teenage, I’ve studied here and I am working here as an expatriate. I had cars here, rented properties and paid a significant amount of Tax during my stay. 2 years ago I found myself not being covered by any… Continue reading Racism in 21st Century: AXA Malaysia cancels my health insurance
I no longer maintain a PDF resume.
Working in IT means you are most likely to be exposed to new technologies, languages & frameworks. that can get annoying when you are about to submit your resume/cv to a new potential client/employer. Every single time when I had to send the resume to them I’d found myself that the copy file was lacking… Continue reading I no longer maintain a PDF resume.