The nginx version that is shipped with CentOS epel repository is quite old. To upgrade your nginx installation you need to create a repository and add nginx servers to it. to do so create a file called nginx.repo on /etc/yum.repos.d/nginx.repo and place following content in it. then simply stop nginx service and run the yum update command. this will be using… Continue reading Upgrade to latest nginx on CentOS 7
Category: Technology
I no longer maintain a PDF resume.
Working in IT means you are most likely to be exposed to new technologies, languages & frameworks. that can get annoying when you are about to submit your resume/cv to a new potential client/employer. Every single time when I had to send the resume to them I’d found myself that the copy file was lacking… Continue reading I no longer maintain a PDF resume.
Setting Up Kubernetes Cluster on CentOS Servers.
So I’ve been running some of our development components on Docker in the company but it was never significant to the level that we rely on them for Development and Production, due to some major changes in our DataCenter I had to setup some database clusters and services from scratch to migrate our old data… Continue reading Setting Up Kubernetes Cluster on CentOS Servers.
Change Primary Domain Documentroot in cPanel
Usually the default document root for each cPanel account is “public_html”, this is mostly fine with most of scripts but when it comes to times that you are using a framework which is suppose not to expose the main files in it’s public document root, it gets complicated. Unfortunately there is no way to change… Continue reading Change Primary Domain Documentroot in cPanel
Search and Replace string with SED
sed (Stream Editor) is a tiny cool tool shipped in most linux distros. most of the times I use sed to lookup for pieces of strings in my projects and replace them in cases that I’m moving them from one environment to another. to run sed for search and replace purpose on a single file you… Continue reading Search and Replace string with SED