I no longer maintain a PDF resume.

Working in IT means you are most likely to be exposed to new technologies, languages & frameworks. that can get annoying when you are about to submit your resume/cv to a new potential client/employer.

Every single time when I had to send the resume to them I’d found myself that the copy file was lacking some of the skills that I’d learned recently. That would lead into me looking around for the latest copy of my resume in cloud or somewhere, edit the file and export it as pdf.

The problem with that is that most of the times I’d just be lazy & once I sent the updated version I would simply leave it on my desktop or temporary workspace, This would create the problem of me having multiple versions of the same resume in different folders and yeah the headache begins.

So I decided to give this a change, I decided to dump all those doc, pdf files & go web. I made myself a tiny web page that reads my skills & information off a sqlite file, I can also edit and update that file at any time i’d want, and instead I can provide a link to the potential employer and client. You can have a look at what I came up with here, it’s also linked on header of this page.

There are few variants of the same resume, a web version (it is mobile friendly too) which is what I expect most to look at, then you’ll have the option to download a pdf generated version or view it in print-friendly mode. I’ve also created a json version, so in case my employers wanted to go creative or someone wanted to stalk my skills they can simply call my resume API.

The benefit to this would be me having less headache on finding the latest version of my resume, or simply add what I need to add the moment I want to send it out to clients. For them they can always download a PDF generated version, they can also know when was the last time I’ve updated it.

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