It seems a lot of android users are reporting the bug that shows a blank page in Google chrome after the page loads. in this topic in Google forum more than 200 user has posted the similar issue they were facing on their phones. This issue seems to be first occurred at July and although Google… Continue reading Google Chrome is Showing Blank after Page Load on Android
How many of you have trashed your unpublished posts within 5 minutes.
well yeah that happens to all of us when we are posting something in Facebook, Twitter or other social networks that we remove and rewrite our status multiple time before posting it online, but how about the blogs. It has happened to me alot while I was talking about some subject in a 500 words… Continue reading How many of you have trashed your unpublished posts within 5 minutes.
How to disable magic quotes gpc on cPanel running FastCgi
If your web hosting running fastcgi one of the coolest and easiest ways to turn of magic quotes gpc on your hosting is to create a .user.ini file and store following code in it: magic_quotes_gpc = Off
Google Now Works while Screen OFF on Moto G
Well it seems it’s happening since the new update for Google Search which added OK Google at any screen to android phones, my phone is able to response to Ok Google commands while the screen is off. I’m running Kitkat 4.4.4 at the moment on my XT1033. Make sure you have installed the latest version… Continue reading Google Now Works while Screen OFF on Moto G
Count the number of files using ls command in linux
So you wanna know how many file are in your current directory in terminal? it’s easy. the “ls” does it all. ls -1 | wc -l Have a good day all.