It’s an interesting documentary by BBC about Homeopathy which is a way of treatment with the theory of like cures like. I suggest you to watch it.
This will destroy you – Quiet
Do not talk to the strangers… My mom always said… I was a stubborn kid… I gave my heart to one… Without remembering what she said… [soundcloud url=”″ params=”” width=” 100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /] From the Group : This Will Destroy You
Adblock Breaks websites!
Well hello everyone! I am quiet sure you all know about this new plugin which is popular between chrome and any other webkit based browser called adblock which actually removes the advertisements from websites. after forgetting the fact that this plugin hurts most of the webmasters whose income is coming from advertisements using adblock actually… Continue reading Adblock Breaks websites!
Giant and Killer hornets!
This thing totally deserves a WTF right? since July this flying monster has caused death for more than 42 people and injuring more than 1700 people in China! This big bees don’t lose their stingers after the attack, which means they can sting you as many times as they want to! This monsters of china… Continue reading Giant and Killer hornets!
Siri is Found! She is a Middle-aged white women from Atlanta
CNN claims that they have found Siri which Apple won’t confirm it. but this cable news network is pretty sure on that they have found the right women. She is a middle-aged voiceover actor whose name is Susan Bennett, and she lives in CNN’s backyard: Suburban Atlanta.