Homeopathy: The Test (By BBC)

It’s an interesting documentary by BBC about Homeopathy which is a way of treatment with the theory of like cures like. I suggest you to watch it.

Categorized as Thoughts

This will destroy you – Quiet

Do not talk to the strangers… My mom always said… I was a stubborn kid… I gave my heart to one… Without remembering what she said… [soundcloud url=”http://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/113984470″ params=”” width=” 100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /] From the Group : This Will Destroy You

Categorized as Thoughts

Adblock Breaks websites!

Well hello everyone! I am quiet sure you all know about this new plugin which is popular between chrome and any other webkit based browser called adblock which actually removes the advertisements from websites. after forgetting the fact that this plugin hurts most of the webmasters whose income is coming from advertisements using adblock actually… Continue reading Adblock Breaks websites!

Categorized as Technology