256 Color Remote Desktop in Windows 7

Hell, I stuck and I have to do this project but the internet here sucks and I cannot do well with my remote computer because this windows 7 does not have this option to put the color depth on 256 color or actually 8bit for more speed. Well what just came into my mind was to go and check the registry keys for remote desktop client but it would make me to restore it in the next time. So I came with this idea of configs in saved sessions. when we save a RDP file to record our remote ip and username there should be some other information’s like color depth and … stored on that file right?

OK Lets do it step by step.

1. I open my remote desktop connection and as I see in the display setting the lowest color quality is 15bit. which is not what I’m looking for.


Well this is not what I’m looking for so I go to the general menu and save this connection and settings I made by clicking on Save as button.


Ok, here it is. right on my desktop.


So I do a right click on it and go for editing options. well here I got my notepad++ but you can open it with notepad either.

in the 5th line you have to change the number of 15 to 8 which means change it from 15bit to 8bit or actually 256 color.


Save the file and enjoy. Saving time while working with remote desktop on low speed connections.

Incoming search terms:

  • rdp 8 bit color windows 7
  • 256 colors windows 7
  • windows 7 rdp 256 color
  • windows 7 Remote Desktop Connection user name
  • rdp 8bit color
  • rdp stuck on 256
  • windows 7 rdc color depth 256
  • how to save desktop image windows 7
  • remote desktop 256 color windows 7
  • rdp 256 colors


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