503 Service Temporarily Unavailable Fastcgi in Cpanel


Just now I was configuring one server and since the first thing I do is to rebuild apache and install fast-cgi I went through this process. But this server was acting not normal! the websites wouldn’t work when the php handler was set on fcgi! but they were working fine at DSO. I was getting a “503 Service Temporarily Unavailable” error on fast cgi. I was checking the logs and I see the fcgi socket is not successful to connect. so I’ve went through checking fcgidsock files.

Well I found that these files have wrong ownership of root:root! and I’ve fixed it with following changes:

chown nobody:root /usr/local/apache/logs/fcgidsock

You may try this if you had same problem!

Incoming search terms:

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  • cpanel 503 service temporarily unavailable
  • 503 service temporarily unavailable apache cpanel
  • 503 Service Temporarily Unavailable error cpanel
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  • apache fastcgi 503
  • apache fastcgi Error 503
  • cgi 503 service unavailable
  • cgi service temporarily unavailable

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