Cortana is missing after Windows 10 Anniversary Update

cortana missing anniversary updateOther than the bash one of the most exciting things for me in Anniversary update of Windows 10 was the Android Notification Sync feature, so before even my update completes I already had cortana installed on my Moto X Pure edition.

But Oddly after update Cortana was gone, With no option to enable it. Searching for it online resulted that Microsoft is aware of in this issue and they are working on an update to fix. But there was a quick fix posted in Microsoft Forums which I’m gonna show you today, and Yup, Its Registry Again!

  1. Open Registry editor, Type regedit in the search box to get there.
  2. Navigate to “HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Search” .
  3.  Find the Key BingSearchEnabled, Double click on it and change its value to 1.
  4.  Find the Key CortanaEnabled and Double click on it and change its value to 1 as well.

Thats it. click on cortana and you should be able to see her greetings again. “Hi! How can I help?”



Incoming search terms:

  • BingSearchEnabled and CortanaEnabled
  • Cortana dissapeared
  • cortana for htc chacha
  • cortana is missing regedit
  • cortana missing
  • registry missing cortanaenabled

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