Blank Label on Gmail Buttons

It’s strange that since like 1 week ago all buttons in all my Gmail accounts are having label issue! The label is there but it is white! It only happens in dark themes! The other themes are working fine! This issue is happening on the new version of Opera! There must be some conflicts which… Continue reading Blank Label on Gmail Buttons

Categorized as Thoughts

message to bears – Hope

He woke up from a nightmare… locked his eyes on the window… and that dark sun shining in with a chess board shape… Sometimes you know how it ends… You know what is goanna happen at the end… but you just continue… to prove your mind that it’s wrong… to prove that this time will… Continue reading message to bears – Hope

Categorized as Thoughts

New Design for

Yesterday I decided to update the look of as one of my friends said to me “Dude your design is for 90’s”. So I took that as a motivation to change my old style cutie into a WordPress powered page! I might integrate this blog as well to adapt both designs together. Feel free… Continue reading New Design for

Categorized as Thoughts