Wildcard Subdomain Router in traefik

before I discover and give traefik a try, I used to have nginx to reverse proxy requests on my servers to my application containers. finding traefik took this setup to a completely different level, the automatic letsencrypt certificate generation and easy management of configuration through labels was enough to make traefik awesome. Anyhow I think… Continue reading Wildcard Subdomain Router in traefik

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Laravel Pulse Crashes with Large SQL Queries

If you’re in the Laravel Ecosystem, You’ve probably heard of Laravel Pulse by now. Pulse delivers at-a-glance insights into your application’s performance and usage. Track down bottlenecks like slow jobs and endpoints, find your most active users, and more. From pulse.laravel.com Exciting right? but when I started using Laravel Pulse on one of my projects,… Continue reading Laravel Pulse Crashes with Large SQL Queries