Should or Should nots… the old strange argue in your mind… that never ends… that makes you not to sleep… who is behind it… your confusion… who has set us up… even sky is not sure what he is up to these days… I’m seeing those clouds moaning to cry… but there is no tear…… Continue reading Hands Full of Hearts, Heart Full of Stones
Simplicity has a Paradox
a quiet evening… they whisper your name… they fly into the cold glass… stop right here and crawling down… the rain drops… you and your cigarette… looking at them falling… and thinking to your self… that simplicity has a paradox… without hearing them whispering your name… [soundcloud url=”″ params=”” width=” 100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /] a… Continue reading Simplicity has a Paradox
Columbia’s Last Conversation
Transcripts of Columbia’s Last Minutes Flight Director Leroy Cain: FDO [pronounced Fido], Flight. Flight Dynamics Officer (FDO) Richard Jones: Go ahead, Flight. CAIN: Did we get another balloon launched? JONES: Yes sir. It’s going to be a 10-minute delay basically in receipt of the data here. That’s our estimate. CAIN: What’s our new estimate time… Continue reading Columbia’s Last Conversation
3 application that makes your Android smart phone smarter
I’m here today to introduce you 3 free android application that makes your android smartphone real smart! waiting to know about them? lets begin.
Do you think USA should attack Syria?
I’m sure that all of you are aware of latest shocking news of chemical attacks that has been done by Syrian government which caused more than 1400 innocent people to die. Some politicians who are defending the Syrian government are claiming that this news is not true but seems US believes in something else. What… Continue reading Do you think USA should attack Syria?