Siri is Found! She is a Middle-aged white women from Atlanta

Susan Bennett is the original voice of Apple's Siri assistant software.

CNN claims that they have found Siri which Apple won’t confirm it. but this cable news network is pretty sure on that they have found the right women. She is a middle-aged voiceover actor whose name is Susan Bennett, and she lives in CNN’s backyard: Suburban Atlanta.

Siri is Found

Bennett says that she has decided to come forward after tech blog the “verge” did a video feature that left some people thinking that a different women (named Allison Dufty) might have been the original voice of Siri. After Dufty’s denial Bennett decided that it is the right time to come forward. Since Apple denied to confirm her identity CNN hired an audio forensics expert to check out her claims and it concluded that “Bennett’s voice and Apple Siri are 100% match.”

Here is the full Piece of CNN.

Incoming search terms:

  • aged white woman

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