Linus Torvalds called Fedora Project Stupid and Smashed them away!

Linus Torvalds the father of Linux posted a direct complaining message on Google+ addressed to Fedora Project People. It resulted accusations and veiled insults later on. Torvald posted his anger as a simple question saying: why not Fedora developers regenerate the distribution images with newer kernels and packages? “Is there some basic reason why you… Continue reading Linus Torvalds called Fedora Project Stupid and Smashed them away!

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iPad Air

a Video of First hand in on New Apple Product which is iPad Air. 

Categorized as Technology

Subdomains and cloudflare!

With no doubt cloudflare is one of the most awesome services which are available for webmasters and provides a free subscription too. If you’ve never heard of cloudflare, you should know that cloudflare is a CDN (Content Delivery Network) which will make your website faster and more secure! Using a CDN also effects on server… Continue reading Subdomains and cloudflare!

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