Hi, So I have this client whom recently moved to Google Apps and I wanted to make sure if she has setup her mx records properly for her domain as she complaining about the email issue. Thus I thought it could be useful to post this quick tip here. Lets get to the job, if… Continue reading how to check domain mx records with nslookup
Broken fonts in Google Chrome
Only after Google Chrome on my computer updated itself to it’s latest stable version which is “Version 38.0.2125.101 m” I started noticing that some issues with fonts on websites I daily use! most of the websites had this ugly time new romans looking font on them while their css styles in the inspect element was… Continue reading Broken fonts in Google Chrome
Repair or Optimize all MySQL Databases in SSH
mysqlcheck gives you this ability to repair, optimize and analyze databases stored in your server. one of the good uses of this app is to mass repair, optimize or analyze all the existing databases on the server. In order to achieve any of those mysqlcheck can be used as below: mysqlcheck –all-databases -r #repairs all… Continue reading Repair or Optimize all MySQL Databases in SSH
DHCP IP Address CentOS
To push a Minimal Cent OS machine to get it’s ip address using DHCP you can use DHCLIENT with your Interface name. For example if your interface name is eth0 you can try: dhclient -v eth0
Usage of Expert Systems in Medical Diagnosis
A medical diagnosis expert system can be used in doctors waiting room and patients can use the touch screen to answer symptoms questions. The system will search for the diseases and symptoms and will result a list of possible diagnosis that can help the doctor for further investigations. What are the advantages of Medical Diagnosis… Continue reading Usage of Expert Systems in Medical Diagnosis