Sony promised to bring CD & MP3 playback to PlayStation 4 to buy the fans satisfaction!

It can be considered as a total tricky act done by Sony, well the story is that Sony announced there will be no more playback support for MP3 and CD’s in the new generation of PlayStation product which is known as Playstation4. Once this announcement was published the fans started to comment and it seems… Continue reading Sony promised to bring CD & MP3 playback to PlayStation 4 to buy the fans satisfaction!

Categorized as Technology

How to clear cloudflare cache

To clear all the cached version of your website objects by Cloudflare follow these steps: Click on “CloudFlare settings” in front of your website profile in Cloudflare dashboard. scroll down and click on “Purge Cache” button.   That’s it, you’ve removed cached version of your website objects in Cloudflare! now you can see the changes… Continue reading How to clear cloudflare cache

message to bears – Hope

He woke up from a nightmare… locked his eyes on the window… and that dark sun shining in with a chess board shape… Sometimes you know how it ends… You know what is goanna happen at the end… but you just continue… to prove your mind that it’s wrong… to prove that this time will… Continue reading message to bears – Hope

Categorized as Thoughts