Fix internal memory problem HTC Chacha

Well now I am totally satisfied of my little beautiful chacha! the only thing that bothered me too much was the lack of internal memory. Well if you are looking for a guide to help you increase it or any tips I must tell you, better stop. The only way to do such thing is… Continue reading Fix internal memory problem HTC Chacha

forgotten to remember

The most meaningful paradox of my life. which I learnt it from years full of friendships and love, years full of empty trusts. it’s getting too down! But it’s the truth! I’d had to be forgotten by those who I loved, and who I trusted, by those who they claimed they love me… I’d had… Continue reading forgotten to remember

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She Thinks!

  She thinks that I was born yesterday. She thinks that I go out with the tide and fade at the end of the day. She thinks my hairs aren’t numbered. And when pricked I don’t cry in pain. Just cause I smile like a child born yesterday. And she thinks that I was born… Continue reading She Thinks!

Client Desktop Application

I’m Codding a Desktop Application for DATING006. This Application will let users to Login to their account and access the different sections of the website with just some clicks! I’m not going to run any web service on the server at this time. But for sure in next versions the main core will be changed.… Continue reading Client Desktop Application

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