This video shows the new features and changes of new version of Gnome 3.10. Watch it and if you liked it! grab the new stuff!
Category: Technology
Google Nexus 5 Video
Following video has published claiming that this is the new Nexus 5 Product from Google. If you are following the news regarding this New google’s product I recommend to watch this out.
Use your SSH accounts as VPN
Have you ever wonder if you could use the SSH machine you have access as a VPN or actually Proxy Server without any configuration or module installation? Well that is possible! as long as you got SSH access over any Linux Server you can use that machine internet to surf the web. This can be… Continue reading Use your SSH accounts as VPN
Keep SSH session alive in PUTTY
well every windows user who had experience working with SSH protocol knows putty! putty is known as the best and rich featured SSH client for windows ever! this tiny free application is a life saving! it’s even common for Linux users to use putty if they want to use features like tunneling and … .… Continue reading Keep SSH session alive in PUTTY
Adblock Breaks websites!
Well hello everyone! I am quiet sure you all know about this new plugin which is popular between chrome and any other webkit based browser called adblock which actually removes the advertisements from websites. after forgetting the fact that this plugin hurts most of the webmasters whose income is coming from advertisements using adblock actually… Continue reading Adblock Breaks websites!