Yesterday I went to my friend house to chill with him and while I was checking my stuff online I noticed that the connection suddenly dropped for a second then it connected again. I asked him why is it like that and he said ever since they setup the internet its like this for like… Continue reading wifi connection drops in every period?
Install GUI on Ubuntu Server and remote VNC
Hello guys. Today I received an Ubuntu VPS order form a client. He stated in the requirements that he needs remote access to the UI of the Server and since our Ubuntu based servers are being delivered only with SSH I had to manually install a User Interface and configure VNC server for him.
New Design for
Yesterday I decided to update the look of as one of my friends said to me “Dude your design is for 90’s”. So I took that as a motivation to change my old style cutie into a WordPress powered page! I might integrate this blog as well to adapt both designs together. Feel free… Continue reading New Design for
Insidious 2 is really insidiously horror
Yesterday I was in Midvalley with my friends and we decided to go for a movie and since I was somehow too Horney for something scary there were no choice left but going for Insidious (Chapter 2). Well I should say this was one of tones of mistakes I’ve ever done in my life. This… Continue reading Insidious 2 is really insidiously horror
Pro Comp Suspension Lift Kits
Usually when people think about automobile performance they only think about horsepower and engine acceleration but it should not be forgotten that all these power generated by engine is useless if driver won’t be able to handle the car, thus it’s important for vehicle owners to make sure their car suspension system is healthy and… Continue reading Pro Comp Suspension Lift Kits