Pro Comp Suspension Lift Kits

Usually when people think about automobile performance they only think about horsepower and engine acceleration but it should not be forgotten that all these power generated by engine is useless if driver won’t be able to handle the car, thus it’s important for vehicle owners to make sure their car suspension system is healthy and… Continue reading Pro Comp Suspension Lift Kits

Categorized as Thoughts

Subdomains and cloudflare!

With no doubt cloudflare is one of the most awesome services which are available for webmasters and provides a free subscription too. If you’ve never heard of cloudflare, you should know that cloudflare is a CDN (Content Delivery Network) which will make your website faster and more secure! Using a CDN also effects on server… Continue reading Subdomains and cloudflare!

Categorized as Technology

Maxis Fiber Internet & Their Customer Service and Thunder

considering the speed of technology growth, Malaysia is a great country while there are certain limitation that pushes Malaysia away from having some services and stuff that are being provided by companies but yet still Malaysia is growing fast on this field. Anyway Maxis is well known and there is no reason to explain who… Continue reading Maxis Fiber Internet & Their Customer Service and Thunder

Categorized as Thoughts

Swimming Pool, Endah Villa

it’s been for days that our swimming pool is getting greener and greener, its more like a swamp than a swimming pool. well I have no Idea why the management is not doing anything about it as it’s not only about the people who cannot swim but it effects the environment too! In Malaysia things… Continue reading Swimming Pool, Endah Villa

Categorized as Thoughts