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Categorized as Thoughts

Halloween and Malaysia

Every celebration in Malaysia is same with the other doesn’t matter what is this celebrate for and how should it happen it is all same in Malaysia. You can see fireworks in every celebration in Malaysia. In Halloween you can expect a sexy and beautiful girl on the street more than a scary face! The… Continue reading Halloween and Malaysia

you have headache?

you have headache right now? close your right hole of nose and breath with the left one for 5 minute you will see the effect. if you don’t believe me just give a try when you have headache. believe me it works on 90% of headaches.

DJ Tiesto Adagio for strings on Piano

This guy who named himself as LiveDJFlow export a sheet of the DJ remix of Adagio For Strings from Samuel barber by Tiesto and played it on an acoustic piano. I think it is a good job, Its too fast! the first thing I did after watched this video was trying the sheets and it… Continue reading DJ Tiesto Adagio for strings on Piano