Maxis Fiber Internet & Their Customer Service and Thunder


considering the speed of technology growth, Malaysia is a great country while there are certain limitation that pushes Malaysia away from having some services and stuff that are being provided by companies but yet still Malaysia is growing fast on this field. Anyway Maxis is well known and there is no reason to explain who and what they are, but anyway considering I’m writing a review on their services not an advertise, I should say Maxis is a Phone Network provider which provides Internet and Broadband services as well. Maxis can be known as one of the most famous companies of this field in Malaysia. Anyway recently (not really that recent)they launched their Home Fiber internet services. Since I was looking for an internet provider too I decided to go with them since the price and the service they have mentioned was satisfying enough. So Well It’s almost a year that I’m having this service and the Internet itself was not bad at all and I was satisfied. But the true points of a good service only occurs when it comes to failures and how a company provides technical service not the product itself. it was a rainy Wednesday, something around 5 PM when the thunder  occurred. That was really scary but the more scary thing was that our Router just disappeared from the List of Wireless connections around! what could that possibly be beside a circuit that affected the router? yea of course nothing else! well the router was working but not fine! I am not quiet sure how did this happen as the router was connected to their external modem and if anything would go wrong  with the telephone antenna the modem had to be damaged not the router. Anyway the router was reset. and it did not seemed good! because I know that the weekend is coming in few hours and since I said there are still limitations here in Malaysia, I was quiet sure that I’m going to spend a weekend without internet!

But what could be worse for someone like me who his job 100% related to being connected to internet? It’s nothing but 2 days public holiday starting on Monday! Wah. Well here is when the shit begins! The modem was working fine! the DSL modem I meant! I called Maxis to confirm it and I told them that my router is not functioning well! the customer care consultant asked me to do some basic steps to make sure that there is nothing wrong with the wires which was clearly meant ignoring me about the reset story of the router. Finally after she finished with her troubleshooting process I told her that this is the router problem. it seemed the WAN port of the router (the Ethernet one) was damaged (Still cannot figure it how) and her response was that they are going to call me back within 48 hour. I knew it is not going to happen so I insisted her to provide me the PPPOE Login information of the router if there is any so I try to do it myself! Well the thing is I had one old TP-Link router in my store room! She provided me the information and I hang up the call happily! Okay so here is me with a modem and a router! Let’s begin! Wait! that stupid huwaei modem they provided was making it hard! there were so many connections! my router could not identify the modem at all! Seemed like it wasn’t suppose to work with my tiny TP-Link! So that’s when I called Maxis to make sure about some small stuff and there it is when the next customer care consultant told me that it is impossible to connect another router to the modem and he is sorry. He asked me to wait for their team to contact me in next 48 hour. Well it sounded so stupid. after 1 day of struggling with it I managed to connect it into my own router. it’s almost 4 days passed from the date I made the call and yet the 48 hour that the customer care promised me is not happened yet. so in conclusion I personally believe it was one of the worst customer service that I have experienced. I suggest them to hire some people with more technical knowledge rather than individuals who only can make life harder for people like me by saying “Sorry Sir But it’s not possible to do that”.

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