Yum? mysql, apache and php?

Most of us are using webservers which are running a control panel which installs and build each service by itself! But what if you want to install a development package or something that is not provided with your control panel. Cpanel is the most complete and powerful control panel in my point of view because… Continue reading Yum? mysql, apache and php?

24inch rich view!

Here is a screen shot of my 24inch Accer from my eee pc 1016p by Linux. Click to see in original size. Incoming search terms:asus backgroundbackground linuxdoctorlinux com

Fedora Persistent lags!

it is going to be slower than university labs PCes! damn it! it seems I have not to use the persistent! everything live! even if I type all my passwords by myself it will be more faster than this! Incoming search terms:https://yandex ru/clck/jsredir?from=yandex ru;search;web;;&text=&etext=1827 ypHtr_k-3GK36n7oPUrBi-zUQ4j5I31btLFBHiyXcKTNnXGrPBMn1CInAUSucP7- 028fe413a7eb4af204a0d66d211883b09984cfda&uuid=&state=_BLhILn4SxNIvvL0W45KSic66uCIg23qh8iRG98qeIXme