Today was the third day of my official working in a DATA Center. After getting over all problems of VMWare and other stuffs, Working on SQL-BENCH started. It was such a hard thing to do because the servers that I supposed to benchmark were running directadmin as a contorl panel which by default does not… Continue reading sql-bench damn man!
24inch rich view!
Here is a screen shot of my 24inch Accer from my eee pc 1016p by Linux. Click to see in original size.
Mitsubishi lancer VS Proton Inspira
To read whole conversation between lancer and inspira click on readmore link.
iptables trouble!
it took about an hour to I realized that why a fresh server which I just installed cpanel on it wont response on port 80 and ssl but ssh works! at the first look it shouldn’t be iptables because I was able to connect through ssh so I tried to search everywhere in this damn… Continue reading iptables trouble!
Time organization, Girls .VS. Boys!
Hey there, Today I brought you some picture proofs that shows boys are much better in organizing their time than girls!